Friday, July 08, 2005

How to cheer yourself up

After something distressing or disturbing, or both, it helps to get yourself back on an emotional even keel. Everyone will have their own way of doing it but I can only describe my own way.

The first thing I did was to get back to my usual routines of the day. Then as the evening wore on I chose a film to watch, to take my mind completely off the subject. Something not challenging, lighthearted and also something I knew well so no surprises. So, I chose a Carry On film, which I always like - totally daft, made on a shoestring and very enjoyable. I chose "Carry on Screaming", one of the best of the bunch and a wonderful send-up of the Hammer Horror films. Then I went to bed with Terry Pratchett, or more precisely one of his books which I have read many times before. I love his writing and have virtually all of his books (he is one of very few writers whose books I buy in hardabck, rather than waiting for the paperback to come out). I chose "Guards, Guards", absolutely excellent on several levels and the first to feature my favourite Pratchett character, Sam Vimes.

Then I went to sleep in the knowledge that tomorrow would be a better day. [It would have been an undisturbed night if it was not for Nimrod the Mighty Hunter who in the early hours of the morning bellowed outside the bedroom door until I woke up and came out to congratulate him on the bird he had caught and to dispose of the body (unusual - he normally does not kill them, perhaps it died of fright). Oh well, life goes on ~grin~]


Anonymous said...

As I told Billy:

"Such senseless events are so stunning that words are inadequate to convey one's feelings. We rejoice for those who are safe, weep for those who are injured, and mourn those lost.

"You British are known for being, as one of your Londoners was quoted as saying, "...a plucky lot." How awful that a people must be plucky! Love to you and your countrymen and countrywomen from a little town in Kansas USA."

Cop Car

Anonymous said...

Cop Car said it well, and she speaks for me, too, just change that last little bit to "Chicago."

I can't understand anyone who purposely harms innocent people. What's worse is that they don't understand that this will make you more determined to fight back, so it was a waste of time.

Our thoughts are with you.


Adele said...

Thank you. We will survive. I promise.