Tuesday, July 19, 2005

ICE is NOT a Hoax!

Last Wednesday I mentioned a suggestion that I had seen on the Net that the letters ICE, which stands for "In Case of Emergency", should be added to the list of contacts in your mobile phone address book together with the phone number of the person we would like to be called if necessary. I mentioned at the time that I thought it a very good idea and subsequently added ICE to my own mobile phone with the Husband's mobile phone number.

Today I have seen on the Net a mention that the ICE campaign is a hoax and a suggestion that by adding ICE to your mobile phone you are opening up your mobile to a new phone-based virus which will be sent to everyone in your mobile phone's address book. However, this suggestion that it is a hoax is a hoax in its own right. The whole concept of ICE is real and is of value.

To see the whole subject set out in detail see Snopes which, of course, is the place to go whenever you want to check whether a story is real or not.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the person whose comment was quoted by Snopes that someone was not only malicious but has too much time on his hands!Cop Car

Adele said...

I couldn't agree more! I just don't understand what value is there in creating viruses.