Saturday, December 16, 2006

Flight of the Hamsters.

If you want to waste a few minutes with a bit of fun here is the answer. Funny and daft.... so far I'v got to throw one hamster 90 feet. I am sure I can beat that though. Eventually. and with lots of practice. (grin)

Try it here:


Anonymous said...

Like I have TIME to be practicing! *G* THat was really evil, you grinch! lol

I either get ZERO....poor little things go up in the air and come right back down on their heads, or I get something respectible like 146. I'll never be a champ at this game, and I bet my three year old grandnephew could beat me at it!


Adele said...

Grin. I'm not one for computer games normally but I fell over it yesterday and couldn't resist. If you got 146 then you got better than I did... so far. But it certainly drags you away from your responsibilities A real timewaster.

Anonymous said...

Hunky Husband must have been like Buffy. He kept muttering about the poor things going up and coming right back down!

Adele said...

CC, I think the thing to remember is that when one of the hamsters is launched to click on the pillow on the platform thing. That biffs it into the sky and along. It took me a while to work that out but it works.