Monday, November 12, 2007


The Husband made an experiment yesterday. He added a piece of music to his iPod and then played that piece from the iPod and at the same time played the original CD in the DVD player – flicking from one channel to another on the hi-fi to which both the iPod and DVD player were connected. There was absolutely no difference in the sound quality at all that either of us could hear. And when he played the CD on his (very expensive) Naim CD player there was a only a very slight difference: the depth of sound on the Naim was hardly different from when it is played on the DVD player.

Incidentally, yesterday he also played a CD with what I believe to be one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written, so beautiful it tears my heart to bits every time I hear it. This is the Eclogue for piano and string orchestra by Gerald Finzi. It’s a sure sign the family is returning to normal – last week we couldn’t have listened to it as it would have been too sad.


joared said...

Appreciated your comparative descriptions of the various tech toys' audio sound quality. Have you ever checked to see if you notice a difference between acoustic and digital i.e. the old LPs and new CDs?

Sorry to read of your loss. I, too, have found solace in music following loss.

Adele said...


Hmm, what an interesting idea. We've got a turntable on the hi-fi system. All we need to do is to check what LPs that we've got that we duplicated with cds....

I shall certainly mention it to the Husband and we'll have to give it a try.

Anonymous said...

It no longer takes audiophile-quality sound equipment to outdo my hearing. I still feel the base notes, but no longer hear them! Good report from The Husband!
P.S. I need to look up the Finzi piece.

Adele said...


Yes, do listed to the Finzi and let me knhow what you think. I'll be interested to know if you like it as much as we do.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.