Tuesday, March 04, 2008

This is a post of me moaning. Avoid if you wish. I just want to get it all off my chest.

Yesterday was one of those days when I wished I had never got out of bed. Everything that could have gone wrong did.

First I had made arrangements for a Red Hat visit to the "From Russia" exhibition in the Royal Academy of Arts in Picadilly for this Thursday. But it had over the last few days became clear that this date wasn't suitable for many and so I've rearranged the visit for April. Fine for the many but I was looking out for something to do out of the house this week, especially as the Husband is out for two days.

Then I had a phone call to say that the day course in British Prehistory I was going to do on this Saturday had been cancelled due to lack of interest. I am fascinated by the subject. Clearly no-one else is.

Then the doctor had arranged an appointment for me to see the nurse to have my blood pressure checked. That was yesterday afternoon. Only the nurse decided to discuss my "lifestyle" and started wittering on about eating less and walking more. When I left the surgery I bought a big bar of chocolate. And ate it. I've spent my whole life being told what to do - first my parents and then, of course, at work. Now I'm free and NO ONE tells me what to do anymore.

I should have made some soup but I forgot to buy the onions. So the poor Husband went out again just to buy some for me. He is kind and knew how fed up I was.

Anyway, Monday is over and life goes on. Now what shall I do with the time that was formerly booked up?


Anonymous said...

Are there conservatories in your area? Given a weekend where I had the chance to travel to Chicago, I'd look for a conservatory to visit, to see the spring displays. We've had so much snow that I'm desparate for flowers!

Do you need a new Red Hat for the summer? Shoe shopping? How about browsing through a bookstore, or visiting a salvage place for architectural accents for your gardens?

Is there a yarn shop you've been longing to visit? I love seeing new quilting shops, so I might be willing to travel a bit to see a new one.

Do you have a girl friend who might want to join you for dinner at a favorite restaurant, or a new place you haven't tried?

How about a visit to an art museum?

Those are all pretty basic ideas. You've probably thought of them all, but maybe they will give you a springboard to something you've been longing to do.

(You could always fly to Chicago for a visit! *G*)

Good luck, and have fun!


Anonymous said...

Adele--Unfortunately, I couldn't get caught up in your moaning. I was too busy laughing at the thought of you and your candy bar. That sounds like something I would have done. *smile* I hope you found ways to fill your time pleasantly.
Cop Car

Adele said...

Buffy, thanks for your suggestions. I plan to do them at some time. It's just I was feeling down and didn't think of the things I could do that would cheer me up. Oh well. I'd love to come to Chicago sometime but not sure whether my purse strings will stretch that far.

Adele said...

CopCar, I'm glad to know you would have done the same as me over the chocolate bar.

I have to admit I'm getting a bit fed up with so-called "experts" telling me how I should live my life. It's my life and I'll live it the way I want.