Friday, February 16, 2007

Now I need to mention things I've been doing while I've been away. Just over a week ago, Wednesday of last week to be precise, I decided to start tidying up my pots of herbs. The Oregano I trimmed back all the dead growth off the top and discovered on it a few baby plantlets appearing. The plant itself was just on one side of the pot so I added the plantlets as cuttings in the rest of the pot. The following day we had yet another heavy bout of snow (well, for England) followed by a freezing (literally) night. You can see what happened to the pots.

I am hoping that the snow acted as a blanket and protected the cuttings from the cold weather but at the moment I haven't the heart to check whether they have survived. If they have not then it's my fault for jumping the gun with the weather.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes we are a wee bit too optimistic; but, good luck with your cuttings.
Cop Car

Anonymous said...

They should come through fine, Val. Herbs are amazingly hardy. I really think we must be twins separated at birth. I have the very same pots for my mint plants. THe oregano has taken over one long arm of the herb garden.

Let us know how the baby plants fared.


Adele said...

Buffy, two of the pots next to the oregano contain mints - one has Spearmint and another Chocolate mint. Let's face it with plant thugs like mint it's necessary to keep them in pots. I am currently contemplating adding another pot of Peppermint to my herb pots come the Spring.

The oregano cuttings don't look too bad, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.