Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Back after a nasty dose of gastric flu all weekend and part of yesterday and while I was making a quick trip to buy a birthday card for my brother which was late because I was ill in bed - I discovered that the young Magnolia in the front garden, a Magnolia "Susan" had come out into flower. Luckily I carry my camera in my handbag all the time so here it is.


Anonymous said...

Aren't the blossoms lovely?!! BTW: I like your photo of the kitten seeing her image in the mirror!
Cop Car

Adele said...

Yes, they are beautiful, aren't they. Even more so in real life.

Err. You might want to take another look at the picture of the kitten and exactly what it's reflection shows. {grin}

Anonymous said...

That's what made it so cute. Hunky Husband asked me if I thought that's what kittens really saw. Yup!

Anonymous said...

OH, LOVELY! I'm feeling a bit of Spring envy. My star magnolia opened in time for Easter, and then bitter cold killed off the blossoms. Dear Husband watched a cardinal eating one of the frozen buds. The daffodils, those hardy harbingers of spring, were bent over, stems bent faces to the ground. It's been COLD here! I'm so glad that you're able to enjoy the flowering spring shrubs.

I'm sorry to hear that you had the flu. It's good to know that you've come through it and feel better now.

Could I have a close-up of the small yellow flowers that are behind and below the magnolia?? Please?


Anonymous said...

We, too, had a killing cold wave--tulips bent to the ground and lilac blossoms turned brown. Fortunately, I hadn't yet set out any tomatoes. They await the drying out of the soil--in Hunky Husband's bedroom bay window. There are also three shrubs (golden euonymus) to set out; but, it is much too wet--and drizzling!

Adele said...


I originally replied to you by e-mail, as I did to Buffy in reply to her note. But I am not certain that you received any of my e-mails, including the one that said that my e-mail address had stopped working and I suspected it was because of a broken Registry key and that in future I'd be using my gmail e-mail address instead.So below I'll post what I said in my e-mail to you this morning.

Adele said...


I dropped Buffy a line in response to her comments, so I'm doing the same with you. In fact what I said to her about the wave of cold weather was: "I feel for you with your star magnolia. We've had the
same with the Camellias. Three of the four were in full flower when we had snow and very bad frosts a couple of weeks ago and most of the flowers have been badly frosted and now look brown and sad, I'm hoping the fourth has survived, previous years its flowers has come out later than the others. Fortunately our magnolias all came into flower after the very cold weather so I'm hoping...."

I had a hollow laugh at your comment about waiting for your soil to dry out before you plant your tomatoes. Since the cold weather came to an end it has been abnormally warm for the time of year. I've just been tidying up one of my flower beds and the soil is now almost dry. I had planned to put a mulch of multi-purpose compost on it to give it a good feed - I grow a lot of herbaceous plants in there - but the soil looks and feels too dry to do that yet. And no rain has been forecast for the next week. Something makes me feel we are heading for another dry summer. Can't we have some of your rain?

Have you decided not to run your blog again, either with your old provider or a new one if you no longer trust the original one? It would be a pity if you do, as so many of us used to read it with pleasure. On the other hand it's quite a tie and must have taken up a fair amount of your time. (As I said before Blogger is much better now and is free, if you want a change.)

Anyway, I hope you are all well and are not working too hard. Easter was a good time although I seemed to spend most of the time cooking as we had the Stepson staying all last week and then we were joined by the Stepdaughter on Sunday. I poached some Salmon for one meal and I must post the recipe, it's so easy to do and tastes so good.