Sunday, June 12, 2005

Organised vs Disorganised

I do not know whether there really is a justification called “Justifiable Homicide” in this country, or whether this is something I have seen on a US cop show and, therefore, of dubious origin. However, if faced by a murder of a disorganised person by their organised spouse I am sure that courts ought to consider such a case sympathetically.

The Husband is very intelligent, far seeing and good at analysis of issues. He is good at manual things like gardening and is a sociable person, far more able to get on with people than I am. What he is not, however, is organised.

I am the organised person in the relationship. What this means is that I am the person who sorts out the computer and his mobile phone and who is expected to find the things that he has lost. And what things does he lose? His (aforementioned) mobile phone. His house keys. His credit cards. His reading glasses. His… well you get the message.

He has just set off to do the second week of a month long contract with our former employer. As he is working in a city on the West coast of England, and we live very close to the East coast of England he has to leave on Sunday afternoon, so he can book into a hotel as he will start work at 9.00 tomorrow morning. So he has had to pack all his stuff. And then he can’t find his key ring with his house keys AND the keys to the suitcase he is packing. So we go searching for them. I have, over the 12 years that we have been married, pointed out tactfully several times that it is far easier to cope if you have a place for everything so that you know where to find them quickly and easily. The Husband, however, works on the principle that you leave them wherever you feel like it and find them instantly when you look for them as they will have magically transported to where they ought to be. It doesn’t work like that, however, and we had a merry panic looking all over the house for the keys, with the knowledge that he couldn’t go anywhere without them. He found them, eventually, on top of a shelf of books about trains – the last place where I would look.

And so he has packed and gone, leaving me to try to relax after the panic.


Anonymous said...

While everyone tells me that I am quite organized, I frequently lose the little things that I carry through life with me--keys, wallets, etc. I don't know why The Husband has a problem; but, my problem is that I can only think of one thing at a time. That means that I absent-mindedly lay things aside as I walk about and have no inkling, later, whatever I might have done with the things. Yeah, Hunky Husband would like to kill me, sometimes. You and he would probably get off scot free!
Cop Car

Adele said...

Cop Car, I wrote that when I was still vibrating from the panicked search for his keys. Then he said very casually that he had found them and it would never have occurred to look where they were at all. Clearly you and the Husband are very similar in that way. No court would convict me, I'm sure of it.

Still I got him off to Bristol not too late.
