Saturday, June 04, 2005

Copyright problems?

Origianlly I posted here a very funny story from today's The Sun Online. It is about a university student who was kept in a cell overnight and then fined £80 for making a homophobic comment about a police horse.

On second thoughts I decided to remove it from here, but advise EVERYONE to read the actual article here. It's well worth reading and really made me laugh.


Anonymous said...

God forbid that one should insult a horse. Hilarious. On the other hand, what could the lad have been thinking to have made his comment? Wierd!
Cop Car

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, I can see that my keyboard input is weird. I'll let you choose the spelling that you prefer. *grinning*
Cop Car

Adele said...

Cop Car - as to what he was thinking he was a drunken student. Enough said, I think.

Ethan - thanks for visiting. Look forward to "speaking" soon.

Lewkas - thanks both for visiting and for your advce. As you can see I have taken this and have quoted, this time from the Times Letters page, a favourite haunt of mine.