Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Don't go to Taunton!

I like Somerset, I really do, and Taunton is a lovely town I've visited before and would like to visit again. But not just now. It has an inhabitant at the moment I really don't want to meet.

It appears that a someone working in a kitchen picked up a dishcloth and was bitten by the creature hiding underneath it. It then bit him a second time. He almost died of the poison and was really only saved by the hospital because he had taken a photo of it with his mobile phone to show his friends this great big thing. The hospital sent the photo to Bristol zoo which identified it as a Brazilian Walking Spider, one of the most venomous arachnids in the world. It is believed to have come into the country in a box of bananas. Shorly after the man's life was saved someone saw the creature in a box in the hospital, thought it was a common S***** AND LET IT GO IN THE GARDEN. Ugghhh, shudder.

The experts are saying tha this thing will not live in our climate but it seems to be rather tough because the guy it bit first pitched it into a refrigerator and later poured boiling water over it and still it survived. Experts frequently say that many plants and living creatures that formerly would not survive our climate are now thriving due to global warming. No this, Please.

Incidentally, thank you The Times for displaying all those huge pictures of arachnids on two separate days. Fine, if you don't mind looking at the damned things but for an arachnophobe like me, who feels sick just to look at pictures of them, .... well...... just Ugghhhhh!

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