Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sportsmen forever

Isn't it nice to know that people never change. 1,900 years ago sports fans were buying throwaway souvenirs and eating fast food as they watched sports for the masses.

Excavations at a Roman amphitheater in Chester have discovered evidence of flimsy wooden stalls outside the amphitheatre where people could buy buy beef ribs and pieces of chicken from wooden stalls on their way to their seats (lots of beef and chicken bones have been discovered). They were also buying mass-produced samian pottery bowls decorated with gladitorial scenes, possibly with pictures of their favourite sportsmen. Details of the find can be found

The only main difference between then and now seems to be what the fans were watching: gladitorial contests, flogging and public executions. Come to think about it given some of the sports now I'm not sure there is such a difference!

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